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Writer's pictureJonathan Carver

Dusting for Fingerprints

Updated: Sep 5, 2018

Everyone has seen it. A terrible crime has been committed and the wheels of justice begin to turn. The police begin to examine the evidence to find clues as to the identity of the culprit. They examine the scene to see how the act was perpetrated and then proceed with intense scrutiny by dusting for fingerprints. Why? Simple. Because often the lawbreaker touches things they don't think twice about and leave evidence of their presence at the scene. The fingerprints are the second-most reliable lead after DNA to link a person to a crime scene. Fingerprints are very telling and individually specific. They are unique and no two are alike. They do not lie about to whom they belong.

As I was thinking about our work in Haiti the other day, I began to think about this in a spiritual way. As believers we all have our signature fingerprints, unable to be duplicated. How is this? God has clearly created us in HIS likeness and image with very unique individual characteristics. Thus, EVERYONE HAS SOMETHING TO OFFER. We all have something to contribute in life. I realize many of us have never been told this by parents, teachers, friends or more sadly, even our pastors and leaders. We have often been told how wretched we are but rarely how special and unique we are. Ephesians 2:10 says "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Let that soak in. You are special in His eyes. God loves you AND HE LIKES YOU!

Having said that, I wonder if this obstacle of not knowing our worth to Him has become problematic in us fulfilling our destiny. What I am about to say needs to be heard as a challenge to you, not as a condemnation. But where can we find OUR fingerprints in this world? Jesus commands us to represent Him in the earth with all confidence (Matt 28:19,20) discipling others. He continues this further by instructing us in Acts 1:8 to take the gospel into all the world (Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, uttermost parts of the earth). Obviously there is a pattern to be followed.

Jerusalem clearly speaks of those near you, Judaea represents other in your acquaintances, Samaria represents the fringe of society boundaries while the uttermost parts of the earth represent the foreign lands and peoples of the earth. There is little confusion in the application of this to the church.

My question is where can we find our fingerprints? Surely we find them in our homes as we guide our families. Surely we find them on our friends, neighbors, co-workers and schoolmates. Perhaps we even find them on an occasional stranger, person of another race or otherwise undesirable-type. But have we left our mark on the world?

As we fundraise, Michelle and I attend churches large and small and the scene is the same. Intrigued and horrified faces watch the video of children in deplorable conditions in a country they never asked to be born into. They know the scriptures and we make the aware of the great need and a way to help change it. While some respond positively and answer the call, DOZENS walk right by our table saying in their heart, "Be ye warmed and filled" while never leaving a fingerprint. Others wander around counting the cost of such a commitment of either sponsoring a child for 40 dollars per month as opposed to their own personal interests while weighing children's lives that hang in the balance versus their own comfort. Some consider the cost of $1500 to go (on a missions trip)and actually LEAVE their fingerprint on someone's life in person and they think more of a pricey vacation to a beach. Then others take a pledge card and say they will be sending it and then the idea cools and the faces quickly fade from their minds and they return to their life.

2 Chronicles 16:9 declares: The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.. God is looking for fingerprints. He wants HIS mark left on his world!

Paul states in 2 Corinthians 9:10, "Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness". Simply stated, the fingerprints on the seed sown become duplicated on the bread that is eaten! Taking it a step further, the passage continues to enlighten us further to state that our financial gifts cause others to thank God and create faith for those who have been praying for their need to be supplied. You see, we are all connected! God is orchestrating this scene for His GLORY!

Isn't it time your fingerprints were found on a child's heart? It can be found on a 2x4 or an 8 ft. piece of roof metal or a bag of rice. Perhaps your own arms need to embrace a little black child that longs for an agape touch of God's unconditional love.

Let's take the gloves off and TOUCH someone's life. Because our Helping Hands need YOUR FINGERPRINTS!

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